Les 7 Doigts de la Main presents Séquence 8

Tom Millward
Tom Millward

Les 7 Doigts de la Main (The 7 Fingers) presents Séquence 8, a 'unique nouveau cirque spectacular' directed by Shana Carroll and Sébastien Soldevila, at New York City Center from 16 to 26 April 2015.

"From the circus company behind Broadway's Pippin comes Séquence 8, a nouveau cirque stunner that explores human emotions so intense that they explode into highflying acrobatics. Starring eight death-defying performers from the Montreal-based Les 7 Doigts de la Main (The 7 Fingers), the emotionally intimate piece redefines the meaning of the word 'circus' through a unique fusion of acrobatics, hip-hop, humor, and propulsive music."

Séquence 8 premiered in Lyon, France in 2012 and since toured to 15 countries, before its New York Premiere. Les 7 Doigts de la Main (The 7 Fingers) was last seen in New York with it's year-long off-Broadway run of 'Traces.'

- by Tom Millward

Photo by Studio Pastis

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