Mud/Drowning Tickets
Mud/Drowning: What to expect - 1
Mud/Drowning: What to expect - 2
New York , NY

Mud/Drowning Tickets

Mud/Drowning: What to expect - 1
Mud/Drowning: What to expect - 2
Mud/Drowning Tickets

About Mud/Drowning

Mabou Mines and Weathervane Productions, in association with Philip Glass’ The Days and Nights Festival, present a celebration of legendary playwright and director María Irene Fornés, featuring Philip Glass’ transformation of her five-page play Drowning into an opera and Fornés’ acclaimed play, Mud. This exciting double-bill marks the show’s triumphant return after a sold-out run at Mabou Mines in 2020, where its New York premiere was called “a notable new work” and designated a Critic’s Pick by The New York Times.

JoAnne Akalaitis directs these two intimate productions (both with new music composed by Glass), which offer New York audiences an opportunity to experience the work of a singular writer at close range. Akalaitis explains, “The program is intended to express that world of Irene’s, which is about the terribly poignant and unfulfilled longing for some kind of emotional accomplishment in life that often gets dashed—that’s what both of these pieces are about. We hope this evening offers a glimpse into the range of Irene’s rich theatrical landscape and the heart of an artist who never soothes and continues to astonish.”

Mud/Drowning builds upon a recent outpouring of recognition of Fornés’ work that began with an Akalaitis-produced marathon of her plays at the Public Theater in August 2018 and continued with the acclaimed Theatre for a New Audience production of Fornés’ landmark Fefu and Her Friends, directed by Lileana Blain-Cruz, in the fall of 2019. Earlier versions of the new Drowning opera and Mud were first performed in 2019 at the Circle Theatre in Carmel, CA, as part of the Days and Nights Festival.

Run time




Adults 18+

Start date

September 21st, 2022

End date

October 9th, 2022

Mud/Drowning: What to expect - 1
Mud/Drowning: What to expect - 2


150 First Avenue, Second Floor, New York , NY, United States of America , 10009


Unfortunately, tickets for this event are no longer available.

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