Featuring K-Pop sensation Super Junior’s Kyuhyun, world renowned soprano Sunhae Im, and world class ballerina Joowon Kim, this lavish Korean production of Maury Yeston and Arthur Kopit’s, “Phantom,” is an eye-dazzling and ear-pleasing take on Gaston Leroux’s 1910 novel “The Phantom of the Opera.''
Paris, late 19th century. Gifted with musical genius and cursed with a monstrous face, Erik lives in hiding deep in the catacombs beneath the Paris Opera House. When he hears Christine Daaé's angelic voice, he is determined to make her the new diva. Carlotta, the opera house's resident diva, is overcome with jealousy and devises a plan to ruin Christine's debut performance. Erik is enraged and takes his revenge upon her, setting in motion a series of events that leads to the revelation of his past and his tragic demise.
November 13th, 2022
November 13th, 2022
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