This two-person show is conducted as a tag team comedy show, as the audience is thrust into a world of vibrant larger than life personalities, magical happenings, and a friendship of the ages. The play is masterfully crafted with true to life vernacular, spoken word poetry, and an immersive sound and lighting design. The synergy between Jairis and Mareshah is palpable. They showcase their vulnerabilities in a way that allows for the audience to feel as if they are simply witnessing a glimpse of reality. Controversial topics such as abortion, sexuality, and religion, are explored with humor and intention. From queerness to spirituality, there is no topic left untouched in this production.
The play “ABORTION WEEKEND” will be a decade turner. It is timely, poignant, and powerful. Through expanding the minds and hearts of viewers this play will be a vehicle for healing and change. The proceeds from the ticket sales will be going towards the feature film adaptation, which will be Jairis Carter and Mareshah Dupree’s joint thesis at CalArts. “ABORTION WEEKEND” is the next cult-classic, but most importantly it is a representation of how art is imperative and integral to the movement.
60 mins
December 17th, 2022
December 28th, 2022
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