The Edge Observation Deck entry with Hudson Yards and High Line Walking Tour Tickets
New York, NY

The Edge Observation Deck entry with Hudson Yards and High Line Walking Tour Tickets

Photo of The Edge Observation Deck in New York.
The Edge Observation Deck entry with Hudson Yards and High Line Walking Tour Tickets

About The Edge Observation Deck entry with Hudson Yards and High Line Walking Tour

Take a guided tour of Hudson Yards and the High Line including guaranteed entrance to The Edge Observation Deck, the highest outdoor skydeck in the Western Hemisphere with 360-degree views. Hudson Yards has changed the West Side of NY and the Hudson River skyline with new skyscrapers, including the Vessel located on 5-acres of the Public Square. The High Line is a 1.45-mile-long elevated park, greenway built on a historic, elevated freight line. View art, walk through gardens, experience a performance or enjoy delicious food available for purchase.


Start date

June 11th, 2023

End date

January 31st, 2024

Photo of The Edge Observation Deck in New York.


401 West 14th Street, New York, NY, US, 10014

Frequently asked questions

How do you book tickets for The Edge Observation Deck entry with Hudson Yards and High Line Walking Tour?

Book tickets for The Edge Observation Deck entry with Hudson Yards and High Line Walking Tour on New York Theatre Guide.

Where is The Edge Observation Deck entry with Hudson Yards and High Line Walking Tour located?

Apple Store. The address is New York, NY, US, 10014.

How tall is The Edge NYC?

The Edge is 1,100 feet tall. The observation deck is located 100 stories above the ground, making it the Western Hemisphere's tallest outdoor skydeck.

How long does The Edge NYC take?

The Edge takes, on average, 45 minutes to an hour to experience. However, there is no time limit on visits to the Edge, so guests may stay as long as they'd like once they enter.


Unfortunately, tickets for this event are no longer available.

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