In the legendary spirit of Ziegfeld’s Midnight Frolic, and the Follies of yore, a new late night, intimate theatrical imagining returns monthly to Manhattan West. Inspired by the exquisite state-of-the-art deco Midnight Theatre, and the storied history of NYC cabarets and revues, "Midnight Follies" welcomes all (21+) for a night of glamorous burlesque, scintillating circus, laugh out loud comedy, marvelous music, miraculous magic & vaudeville variety. Kick off your weekend in grand style while imbibing extravagant cocktails and dining on delectable bites from Hidden Leaf, as the swirl of The Follies sweeps you into a glorious haze of frolic and fun. Created and produced by circus impresarios Joshua Dean & Ben Franklin & star burlesque headliner Rosie Cheeks, The Midnight Follies is guaranteed to quench all of your entertainment thirsts and send you dancing out into the night eager for new adventures, and a subsequent return to The Follies.
You must be age 21 or older to attend.
September 15th, 2023
September 15th, 2023
Unfortunately, tickets for this event are no longer available.
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