In this captivating rendition of Antigone, witness the stirring performance by Amazon indigenous activist Kay Sara in the titular role, accompanied by a Greek chorus comprised of survivors from Brazil’s historic Landless Workers’ Movement (MST) massacre in 1996. The production examines the Greek classic as an allegory for political struggle and fierce resistance against the implacable greed of a modern, devastating world.
Director Milo Rau and his team embarked on a journey to the heart of Brazil’s Pará state, where the ravages of capitalism devour nature and displace communities. Collaborating with MST, the world’s largest landless workers’ movement, they craft a compelling narrative that sheds light on the violent upheavals inflicted by modern states, prioritizing private interests over ancestral rights to the land.
Following the success of Orestes in Mosul and The New Gospel, Milo Rau’s trilogy of ancient myths culminates in the lush landscapes of the Amazon rainforest. Experience the fusion of art and activism as Brazilian and European actors unite with MST activists, delivering a performance charged with political significance.
1hr 50min.
Ages 13+.
September 27th, 2024
September 28th, 2024
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