Adventure Theater! at the Metropolitan Playhouse

The Metropolitan Playhouse presents Adventure Theater!, a children's interactive show, conceived by the Freestyle Repertory Theatre and directed by Laura Livingston, at the Metropolitan Playhouse from 3 - 11 May 2008.

Adventure Theater! is an interactive, theatrical experience designed for family audiences, and especially for children age 5 � 13. The audience is an intrinsic part of the show. Led by the improvisers, they invent the plot, provide the sound effects, become the scenery, and play important characters � including the Hero!

Adventure Theater!: The inhabitants of a magical land desperately need our help. A wicked leader has risen to power, and an emissary is sent to the mortal world to seek a hero powerful enough to return peace, happiness and prosperity to the inhabitants. Our Hero�played by a child chosen from the audience�travels to the magical land, meets fabulous creatures, makes powerful friends, and faces great dangers on the way to the ultimate confrontation. Meanwhile, the wicked leader is all too aware of our Hero�s presence and is gleefully making plans for their meeting.

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