As Far As We Know at the Flamboyan Theater
unCommon Cause presents As Far As We Know, conceived by Laurie Sales and created by The Torture Project Ensemble in collaboration with playwright Christina Gorman, at the Flamboyan Theater from 11 - 26 Aug 2007, as part of FringeNYC.
As Far As We Know: 2004. An Army Private is abducted in Iraq. Video of him, made by his captors, is broadcast on Iraqi and U.S. television resulting in an outpouring of support, visits and calls from President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, international media attention and then...nothing. The soldier's family in Batavia, Ohio, awaits his return, assisted by a military that is eager to help but only knows so much.
Collaboratively devised using government transcripts and in-depth interviews with soldiers and relatives, As Far As We Know chronicles a family's torturous struggle to remain hopeful as the media spotlight fades and critical questions about a missing son are left unanswered.
Directed by Laurie Sales, As Far As We Know features Sara Kathryn Bakker, Michael Battelli, Faith Catlin, Alex Cherington, Lea McKenna Garcia, Abby Royle, Kelly Van Zile, Joseph Varca and Jeff Wills.
Lighting is by Jen Schriever.
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