Broadway League end-of-season statistics

The Broadway League has released end-of-season statistics for the 2012 - 2013 season, which began 28 May 2013 and ended 26 May 2013. For the 2012 - 2013 season, Broadway shows yielded $1.14 billion in grosses, and total attendances reached 11.6 million. All new and continuing productions ran a total of 1430 playing weeks.

The 2012 - 2013 Broadway season concluded with virtually flat grosses (-0.1%) and down in attendance (-6.2%), on par with a decrease in playing weeks (-6.0%).

Charlotte St. Martin, Executive Director of the Broadway League said,

Each season has unique factors that contribute to the overall story. In the fall, our grosses and attendance numbers were above last fall's numbers until Hurricane Sandy devastated our region. The lost performances and the understandable slower return to Broadway by our Tri State area theatregoers contributed to the decline in both grosses and attendance. Plus with early closings of some of our open-ended runs creating a loss in playing weeks, comparable to the decrease in attendance, there just wasn't time to recover. While this is the first year in many that we have seen such a decline, we are pleased to report that the new season is filled with many exciting new shows and we anticipate that the numbers will return to previous season highs.
There were 46 new shows (including 2 return engagements) that opened during the 2012-2013 season: 15 musicals (9 new, 2 r/e, 4 revivals), 26 plays (14 new, 12 revivals), and 5 specials. The 26 plays produced this season is a record number (the previous record for plays produced in a season was 25 in 2010-2011).
SeasonGrossTotal Attendence
2012 - 2013$1,138,734,331 billion11.57 million
2011 - 2012$1,139,311,457 billion12.33 million

The Broadway League, founded in 1930, is the national trade association for the Broadway industry.

SeasonGrossTotal Attendence2012 - 2013$1,138,734,331 billion11.57 million2011 - 2012$1,139,311,457 billion12.33 million

Originally published on

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