Cranked, a play about crystal meth addiction, at Duke On 42nd Street
The New Victory Theater presents Green Thumb Theatre�s Cranked, a hip-hop play about crystal meth addiction, at The Duke on 42nd Street from 9 - 25 Jan 2009.
Cranked tells the story of 17-year old Stan's, a.k.a. Definition, a rap star whose life careens scarily out of control due to a devastating crystal meth habit.
The one-man show, directed by Patrick McDonald and starring Kyle Cameron, is by Michael P. Northey, and features original music/beats by Kyprios and Stylust, with lyrics by Kyprios and Michael P. Northey.
�Every element was considered to make the ugly reality of a junkie�s life believable,� said director Patrick McDonald. �The subject of crystal meth addiction had been on our list of play ideas for some time as the evidence of a growing epidemic mounted. We were fortunate in that Michael (Northey) was able to write such an incisive and muscular script in the language of today�s young people.�
Cranked is for audiences 12 year olds to adults. Talk Backs for audiences with Kyle Cameron and Green Thumb will follow every performance to provide a platform for discussion around the show�s themes, encouraging audience members to share thoughts and opinions about this frightening issue.
For tickets and further information click Here
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