'Dedication or The Stuff of Dreams' announces further casting.

Primary Stages announces further casting for their production of Terrence McNally's Dedication or The Stuff of Dreams, which opens at 59E59's Theater A on the 18 Aug 2005, following previews from the 26 Jul. This is a limited engagement through to the 18 Sep 2005.

Marian SeldesMichael
Peter Frechette

In addition to the previously announced Marian Seldes, the cast will also include Michael Countryman, Peter Frechette and R.E. Rogers ("Oz"). Michael in this New York premiere directed by iMichael Morris.

The design team for Dedication or The Stuff of Dreams includes Narelle Sissons (sets), Jeff Croiter (lights) and Lindsay Jones (Sound).

Synopsis: A couple's love affair with the theatre is tested as the children's theatre they run in upstate New York expands and they find themselves forced to examine how far that love will take them.

Marian SeldesPeter Frechette

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