"Golden Girls Live" extends to 28 Dec 2003 at Rose's Turn
Thu 6 Nov 2003 "Golden Girls Live" extends to 28 Dec 2003 at Rose's Turn The Golden Girls Live by New World Productions has been extended to 28 Dec 2003 at Rose's Turn, 55 Grove Street (Off Off BRoadway). From 1985 to 1992, millions of Americans tuned in to catch the loveable antics of Dorothy, Blanche, Rose & Sophia. Now they're back in their original Saturday night timeslot, only this time, LIVE ON STAGE! The 60-minute show is a loving tribute to our favorite mostly gray-haired gals with an ALL MALE CAST. The show features back-to-back episodes pulled from the scripts & flavor of the original sitcom. Once the lights dim, the infamous 'Thank You For Being A Friend' plays (often accompanied by audience members singing along) & the actors make their way through the crowd, they receive a warm & welcoming ovation. Things get slightly 'Rocky Horror' at some points when a handful of audience members start reciting dialogue along with the cast, proving what a cultural icon the show was & still is. The cast includes Peter Mac (Sophia) , John Schaefer (Dorothy) Jarrod Cafaro, T.J.D' Angelo, Richard Guido, Melissa Pellechio ***New World Productions has chosen to raise money at each performance, and, along with a portion of the proceeds, donate it to the Progressive Supra-nuclear Palsy Foundation, the disease which has struck down Estelle Getty, after being mistakenly diagnosed with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. These donations will be made in Estelle Getty's name.
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