'The Maids' at the Bouwerie Lane Theatre

Thu 17 Mar 2005 'The Maids' at the Bouwerie Lane Theatre Jean Genet's The Maids, translated by Bernard Frechtman, opens on the 17 Apr at the Bouwerie Lane Theatre, following previews from the 8 Apr and runs in repertoire through to the 5 Jun 2005. The Maids will be directed by Ernest Johns and features Natalie Ballesteros, Amanda Jones, and Kate Holland. The creative team includes Roman Tatarowicz (scene design), Nicole Frachiseur (costume design), Richard Dunham (lighting design). The Maids is the story of two sisters who serve as maids for a rich and privileged Hollywood starlet, Madame. Caught between love and hate for their wealthy mistress, the maids move through a humorous though deadly game of dress-up, each maid playing Madame until we see that they don't want to be like her, they want to become her — even if it means taking her out of the picture for good. The production re-imagines Jean Genet's thriller, setting it in 1940's Los Angeles, when scandals were a dime-a-dozen and so many bright eyed young things stepped off a bus and got a tough dose of the real American dream. (For further information click here)

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